
Sabtu, 17 Oktober 2020

We Ship Worldwide Now

We Ship Worldwide Now

Hello all. Good news for all of us. We from CNC virtual provide good news for friends from all over the world. From now on, we can deliver the goods to the world, wherever you are. The items we provide can be seen in our blog, and we hope there are goods according to your needs. And if you are in Indonesia, you can visit our store in:

CNC phoneshop
ITC ROXYMAS, 99-a ground floor
Hasyim Ashari street, Central Jakarta
ZIP/Postcode: 10150
phone: +6289677775534 (call only)
contact person: ROBET (+628158305534)
contact by WhatsApp: +628158305534

For all transactions, we prefer PayPal for payment. Our PayPal account is:

And this is shipping cost for some countries (we use EMS international from Pos Indonesia for shipping, ship from our shop in Jakarta, Indonesia):

EMS International Pos Indonesia

Now, what are you waiting for guys? If you are interested with our merchandise, may contact us directly at:

CNC phoneshop
ITC ROXYMAS, 99-a ground floor
Hasyim Ashari street, Central Jakarta
ZIP/Postcode: 10150
phone: +6289677775534 (call only)
contact person: ROBET (+628158305534)
contact by WhatsApp: +628158305534

If you are difficult to find the goods we provide, may directly click this link: collection of goods we provide

Notes: Some items may be prohibited in your country, please be noticed

Notes: From now on, we can't send battery (or everything with battery, like cell phones, etc. If you want the cell phones, we send it without battery)

Notes: Shipping cost not include insurance of the goods. If you need insurance, please notified us

CNC virtual Ship Worldwide

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